EEE314 Automatic Control Systems


2024-2025 Fall

Weekly schedule

Week Part Topic Reading (Åström&Murray)
1   Introduction to automatic control Chapter 1
2   Math review (calculus, complex numbers, polynomials)  
3 Dynamical system modeling Electrical systems Sections 3.1-3.3-3.4
4 Dynamical system modeling Mechanical systems, electromechanical systems Sections 3.1-3.3-3.4
5 Dynamical system analysis Laplace transform, Transfer functions Chapter 9
6 Dynamical system analysis Dynamical system response Section 6.3
7 Dynamical system analysis First-order and second-order systems  
8   Midterm exam  
9 Dynamical system analysis State space models Section 3.2
10   Basic system identification methods  
11 Control design Feedback principles Chapter 2
12 Control design Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control Chapter 11
13 Control design Rule-based PID tuning Section 11.3
14 Control design Model-based PID tuning  
15 Control design State feedback design via pole placement Section 7.2


textbook: Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Åström&Murray)

resource repository: Resourcium (a collection of control and automation resources)

programming tutorials: website with control systems programming tutorials for Matlab&Simulink

Youtube channel: Steve Brunton


Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Åström&Murray)

Dynamic Systems and Control (Dahleh&Dahleh&Verghese)

Control Systems: An Introduction (Khalil)

Practical Methods for Real World Control Systems (Abramovitch)

Introduction to Feedback Control using Design Studies (Beard&McLain&Peterson&Killpack)

Resource repositories

Resourcium (a collection of control and automation resources)

a list of resources from the control theory subreddit

Programming tutorials and interactive tools

control systems programming tutorials for Matlab&Simulink

Matlab apps for control

interactive tools for learning control

browser-based control systems games

Steve Brunton

Ben Dickinson

Brian Douglas

Katherine Kim

Christopher Lum


Richard Pates

Joel Rosenfeld

Tansel Yucelen

Youtube playlists (courses/video sets on control)

Control Bootcamp (Steve Brunton)

Classical Control (Ben Dickinson)

Classical Control Theory (Brian Douglas)

Introduction to Control (Katherine Kim)

Control Theory (Christopher Lum)

Understanding PID Control (MATLAB)

Control Systems in Practice (MATLAB)

System Identification (MATLAB)

State Space (MATLAB)

Control System Design and Analysis (MATLAB)

Control Theory (Richard Pates)

An Introduction to Control Theory (Joel Rosenfeld)

Lectures on Control Systems (Tansel Yucelen)

Lectures on Advanced Control Systems (Tansel Yucelen)

Youtube playlists (courses/video sets on programming/numerical computing)

Getting Started with MATLAB (MATLAB)

Getting Started with Simulink (MATLAB)

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