EEE461 Optimization


2024-2025 Fall

Weekly schedule

Week Part Topic
1   Introduction to optimization and machine learning
2 Linear algebra and least squares Linear algebra review
3 Linear algebra and least squares Least squares (LS) method, Gram-Schmidt algorithm
4 Linear algebra and least squares LS classification and cross-validation
5 Linear algebra and least squares Singular value decomposition, principal component analysis
6 Optimization Fundamentals, multi-objective problems
7 Optimization Regularization, iterative methods
8   Midterm exam
9 Optimization Proximal algorithms
10 Optimization Convex optimization, duality
11 Optimization Gradient methods, stochastic gradient descent
12 Machine learning Support vector machine
13 Machine learning Artificial neural networks and perceptron
14 Machine learning Deep learning, convolutional neural networks
15 Machine learning Unsupervised learning, k-means clustering


textbook: Mathematics for Machine Learning (Deisenroth&Faisal&Ong)

textbook: Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity (Bubeck)

textbook: Deep Learning (Goodfellow&Bengio&Courville)

textbook: Convex Optimization (Boyd&Vandenberghe)

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