EEE462 Model Predictive Control
2024-2025 Fall
Weekly schedule
Week | Part | Topic |
1 | Introduction to model predictive control | |
2 | Modeling and analysis in state space | State space modeling |
3 | Modeling and analysis in state space | Linearization, discrete-time systems |
4 | Modeling and analysis in state space | Eigenvalues, stability |
5 | Control in state space | Controllability, state feedback |
6 | Control in state space | Eigenvalue assignment |
7 | Control in state space | Linear quadratic regulator |
8 | Midterm exam | |
9 | Optimization | Introduction to optimization |
10 | Optimization | Interior point methods |
11 | Model predictive control | Fundamentals and design |
12 | Model predictive control | Implementation and computation |
13 | Model predictive control | Stability, practical aspects |
14 | Model predictive control | State estimation, system identification |
15 | Model predictive control | Application examples |
textbook (intro level): Predictive Control with Constraints (Maciejowski) (recommended)
textbook (intro level): A First Course in Predictive Control (Rossiter)
lecture notes: Model Predictive Control for Renewable Energy Systems (Frison&De Schutter&Diehl, Uni Freiburg)
lecture videos: Model Predictive Control (Colin Jones, EPFL)
textbook (advanced): Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems (Borrelli&Bemporad&Morari)
textbook (advanced): Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design (Rawlings&Mayne&Diehl)
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