EEE462 Model Predictive Control


2024-2025 Fall

Weekly schedule

Week Part Topic
1   Introduction to model predictive control
2 Modeling and analysis in state space State space modeling
3 Modeling and analysis in state space Linearization, discrete-time systems
4 Modeling and analysis in state space Eigenvalues, stability
5 Control in state space Controllability, state feedback
6 Control in state space Eigenvalue assignment
7 Control in state space Linear quadratic regulator
8   Midterm exam
9 Optimization Introduction to optimization
10 Optimization Interior point methods
11 Model predictive control Fundamentals and design
12 Model predictive control Implementation and computation
13 Model predictive control Stability, practical aspects
14 Model predictive control State estimation, system identification
15 Model predictive control Application examples


textbook (intro level): Predictive Control with Constraints (Maciejowski) (recommended)

textbook (intro level): A First Course in Predictive Control (Rossiter)

lecture notes: Model Predictive Control for Renewable Energy Systems (Frison&De Schutter&Diehl, Uni Freiburg)

lecture videos: Model Predictive Control (Colin Jones, EPFL)

textbook (advanced): Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems (Borrelli&Bemporad&Morari)

textbook (advanced): Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design (Rawlings&Mayne&Diehl)

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