EEE126 Linear Algebra


2024-2025 Spring

Weekly schedule

Week Part Topic
1   Introduction and application examples
2 Vectors Vector fundamentals, linear functions
3 Vectors Norm and distance, clustering
4 Vectors Linear independence
5 Matrices Matrix fundamentals, linear equation systems
6 Matrices Matrix multiplication, matrix inverses
7 Matrices Fundamental subspaces, determinants
8   Midterm exam
9 Matrices Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, positive definite matrices
10 Least squares Least squares fundamentals
11 Least squares Data fitting and classification
12 Least squares Multi-objective least squares
13 Least squares Constrained least squares
14 Engineering applications Electrical circuit analysis
15 Engineering applications Control and estimation


textbook: Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (Boyd&Vandenberghe) (main textbook for the course)

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