EEE126 Linear Algebra


2024-2025 Spring

Weekly schedule

Week Part Topic Problem Session (PS)
1 vectors introduction, vectors (fundamentals), linear functions, norm and distance, clustering no PS
2 vectors, matrices linear independence, matrices (fundamentals), matrix examples 08:30 - 09:30
3 matrices linear equations, dynamical systems, matrix multiplication no PS
4 matrices, least squares matrix inverses, least squares (LS) 08:30 - 09:30
5 least squares LS data fitting, LS classification, multi-objective LS no PS
6   exercises and applications with numerical computing (midterm) no PS
7   review and preparation for the exam (midterm) no PS
8   midterm exam  
9 abstract linear algebra range and null space, rank, orthogonality no PS
10 abstract linear algebra eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization, symmetric matrices and quadratic forms 08:30 - 09:30
11 abstract linear algebra singular value decomposition no PS
12 advanced least squares constrained LS with applications, nonlinear LS, constrained nonlinear LS 08:30 - 09:30
13 engineering applications introduction to optimization, machine learning, estimation and control no PS
14   exercises and applications with numerical computing (final) no PS
15   review and preparation for the exam (final) no PS



main textbook for the course: Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (Boyd&Vandenberghe)

Linear Algebra for Everyone (Strang)

Introduction to Linear Algebra, 6th ed. (Strang)

Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th ed. (Strang)

Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra (Meyer)

Linear Algebra Done Right (Axler)

Linear Algebra Done Wrong (Treil)

Exercises/solutions collections

Additional Exercises for Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (Boyd&Vandenberghe)

Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra (Erdman)

Linear Algebra for Everyone, Solutions (Strang)

Introduction to Linear Algebra, 6th ed., Solutions (Strang)

Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th ed., Solutions (Strang)

Youtube playlists (courses/video sets on linear algebra)

Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra (Boyd)

Linear Algebra (Strang)

Essence of Linear Algebra (3Blue1Brown)

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